Login page in public Wi-Fi networks

Страницы авторизации в публичных сетях Wi-Fi

The login page is the first page users see when trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Here you can place Your company logo, customize your own color schemes and change other settings to maximize the loyalty of customers.

A loyal customer is a client who has developed such a positive attitude to the company or the product that he always gives it priority over competing. In the world of fierce competition customer loyalty is one of the main and key factors. You need to stand out and to create the conditions for quality of service to get customer loyalty.

The benefits of loyal customers

  • A sustained preference for the brand. Loyal customers prefer Your brand and spread positive information about it.
  • The desire to make repeat purchases. Loyal customers are several times more likely to use Your services than the services of competitors.
  • Insensitivity to the actions of competitors. Loyal customers prefer Your brand, despite the clear advantages of competing.

To gain maximum customer loyalty, we offer the possibility to design your own pages authorization Wi-Fi with a convenient constructor. You will be able to effectively customize the login page upload logo, background image, customize the color scheme and choose the most preferred methods of identification.

The cost and connection

The design service pages of the authorization is free of charge for all clients who use services identify Wi-Fi.


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