"OOO "Center of identification and authentication" provides the services on contract of a public offer. This contract has complete legal force and do not require the signature of the parties.

In accordance with the contract clause 1.5 of the public offer, the registration on the website CIAWIFI.RU is an acceptance, therefore, after this public offer shall enter into force in accordance with the Civil code of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of article 438 of the civil code)."


TERMS and abbreviations:

"Subscriber" – for purposes of this agreement as a natural person (18 years and older), a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registered on the website CIAWIFI.RUhaving passed the registration procedure on the website CIAWIFI.RU.

"User" under this agreement shall be any natural person 18 years and older, registered as a User of any mobile operator, with the device to connect to the Internet, and in point of public access to the Internet, exploited and (or) intending to use the access service to the Internet through community access points to the Internet.

Tsia - limited liability company "Center for identification and authentication"

The limited liability company "Center for identification and authentication" (License for providing telematic services by the Contractor issued by the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) No. 136299 for the period from 06.10.2015 on 06.10.2026 g), in accordance with article 437 of the civil code of the Russian Federation invites the Subscribers of the website CIAWIFI.RU to enter into a contract (public offer) subject to the following conditions:

1. The subject of the contract

1.1. In order to fulfill the requirements of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No758 of July 31, 2014. and No801 from 12 August 2014. The subscriber assigns and tsia is committed for the provision of services in full volume and on the terms of this agreement: to carry out through the website CIAWIFI.RU identification of users by defining a reliable set of such information,including with use of Federal state information system "unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure ensuring information and technological interaction of information systems used for rendering state and municipal services in the e form", or of reliably determining the subscriber number assigned to the user in accordance with the contract on rendering of services of mobile radiotelephone communication, concluded with the operator, and send SMS (text messages), FLASH (text message) or Voice (voice messages) to users in places of collective access to the Internet, to protect, storing and processing personal data of third parties users.

1.2. The website car - CIAWIFI.EN.

1.3. Tsia owns all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the subject matter of the contract, the site specified in paragraph 1.2. of this agreement.

1.4. The license for rendering of telematic services tsia issued by the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) No. 136299 for the period from 06.10.2015 on 06.10.2026 G.

1.5. Having passed the registration procedure, the Subscriber is considered read and accepted the terms and conditions in full, without any reservations and exceptions, i.e. accepted.

2. Responsibilities tsia

2.1. Tsia is committed to:

- Properly, in accordance with applicable Russian Federation legislation to carry out the services referred to in paragraph 1.1. of this agreement except in the case specified in clause 7.2 of this agreement.

- Provide daily and round the clock functioning of the services with the exception of the intervals for maintenance, service work, Troubleshooting, and other malfunctions independent of tsia.

- To provide round the clock access and a daily Subscriber to the site CIAWIFI.EN. for technical support, equipment settings from the list specified on the website of the car with the exception of the intervals for maintenance, service work, Troubleshooting, and other malfunctions independent of tsia.

- To provide round the clock access and a daily Subscriber to the site CIAWIFI.EN. for self-registration of personal Cabinet and get a unique ID, a personal password, with the exception of the intervals for maintenance, service work, Troubleshooting, and other malfunctions independent of tsia.

- Provide Subscriber information support on issues of health services. Information support is provided via email and telephone, which are published on the website of tsia.

- To protect, storing, processing personal data of third parties, in accordance with Federal law No. 152 "On personal data protection" and on the basis of the Regulations on protection, storage, processing personal data of third parties in OOO "Center for identification and authentication". The regulation is published on the website CIAWIFI.EN.

- Provide on demand to the Subscriber any information, data, data, etc., associated with the execution of this agreement, not later than 10 days from the date of receipt of a respective request of the Subscriber.

- To submit to the Personal account daily reports (statistics) on the number of Users and the number of connections to the equipment, and the amount of money remaining on the personal account of the Subscriber.

Depending on the settings in the personal Cabinet on the website CIAWIFI.RU, tsia the right to send the Subscriber information, advertising messages by means of SMS message or e-mail to the contact details specified in your personal office on the website CIAWIFI.RU.

3. Responsibilities Of The Subscriber

3.1. The subscriber shall:

- To comply with applicable laws and regulations.

- To observe ethical norms and rules of business turnover.

- To prevent the Commission of any actions that may harm the business reputation of tsia.

Is to provide car necessary for the performance of this contract information.

- Not to share certain information - (content of this agreement, the personal account, the user information authenticated on the access points) to third parties without the consent of tsia.

- Comply with the website terms of use CIAWIFI.EN. published on the website CIAWIFI.EN.

- Use certified equipment from the list specified on the website of tsia.

- To keep the equipment in proper form.

- Register on the website of tsia.

- Create when you register your personal user account.

- Add equipment to a unique user ID and personal password.

- Timely replenishment of the personal account.

- Do not register for more personal account of the referral program for the purpose of receiving illegal discounts. In case of detection of facts of registration, tsia has the right to delete such accounts without explanation.

Attention! On the website CiAWiFi.RUin the section "access Points" should be provided reliable information about the current user equipment for the purposes of identification of the user on the contract offer. These data - location address and the MAC address of a device must completely coincide with the actual address of the location and MAC address of the device of the Subscriber. Otherwise the device is not identified, including in cases of administrative inspection of regulatory authorities, and all information collected about the online sessions is not considered valid, therefore, paragraph 1.1 of this agreement cannot be performed tsia fault of the subscriber. In this case, for failure of the RF government resolution №758 from 31 July 2014. and No. 801 dated 12 August 2014. the Subscriber is responsible

3.2 if the Subscriber is a legal entity and carries out the payment by Bank transfer from the account of a legal entity, it shall:

To accept and to sign acts on the provision of services through the service of electronic document Deadok - diadoc.ru not later than 10 calendar days from the receipt of specimens from tsia in electronic form on the website CIAWIFI.RU. The services rendered tsia in full and taken properly by the Subscriber listed in these acts of provision of services, if within 10 calendar days from the Subscriber has not been motivated objections to the address info@ciawifi.EN. Otherwise, at the expiration of 10 calendar days, the certificates of executed works shall be deemed accepted and signed by tsia and the Subscriber in full. In case of unreasonable evasion of the Subscriber from signing of acts of services rendered under this Agreement, and if such evasion resulted in losses of tsia, acts of services rendered signed by the Subscribers are recognized and tsia from the date specified in the acts on the provision of services under the terms of this Agreement."

4. The amount and procedure of payment of tsia

4.1. The cost of the services under this agreement, including the cost and conditions of sending SMS messages is indicated on the tsia website CIAWIFI.RU. The rates are tsia in rubles and include taxes and fees in force in the territory of the Russian Federation. Tsia has the right to change the cost of services and SMS messages unilaterally, with notice to the Subscriber by the appearance of information on the tsia website CIAWIFI.RU and through electronic means.

4.2. Payment provided by tsia services, namely, replenishment of funds of the account balance, is non-cash, or in any convenient for the Subscriber in the manner specified on the website of tsia CIAWIFI.RU. Also, replenishment of funds of the personal account, it is possible to realize with the help of the WebMoney Transfer system.

4.3. Debiting funds from the account balance of the Subscriber is carried out daily on the fact of rendering of services.

4.4. In the absence of monetary funds on the personal account of the Subscriber, the provision of services and sending SMS messages tsia paused.

4.5. Services under this contract are recognized as rendered in fact daily debiting from the personal account of the Subscriber on tariffs tsia.


Payment terms:

On the website CIAWIFI.RU accepts payment by credit cards using the technology of the secure online card payment Verifed by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code.

Return policy when making a payment by credit card: Subscriber may return the unused amount to the personal account of the site CIAWIFI.RU. Refund is possible only to the card used to make the purchase.

4.7. If the actual costs of tsia equal or exceed the cost of monthly service for the Subscriber's current tariff plan, in this case, tsia has the right to terminate the current plan and to offer the Subscriber to use a tariff plan with separate payment for each voice or SMS text message, according to the value specified on the website CIAWIFI.RU. Otherwise, the CIA is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect unilaterally. In this case, all costs associated with the termination of the contract paid by the Subscriber.

5. The term of the contract, the grounds and procedure for amendment and termination of the contract

5.1. This agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and is valid until the parties fulfill all their obligations.

5.2. Parties are entitled to terminate this agreement by mutual agreement.

5.3. Tsia reserves the right at any time to make changes and additions to the contract, without prior notice to the Subscriber. To see the modified terms and conditions of the contract on the site of tsia CIAWIFI.EN. The entry into force of the amendments from the moment of their publication on the website. Continued by the Subscribers use of the services tsia confirms the Subscriber's consent with the amendments and additions of the contract.

6. Disputes

6.1. All disputes and disagreements arising between the parties concerning execution of obligations under the present contract will be settled through negotiations on the basis of Russian Federation legislation.

6.2. In case of no settlement in negotiations of contentious issues disputes are resolved in Arbitration court of the Republic of Tatarstan in the procedure established by the current legislation.

6.3. The deadline is 30 calendar days.

7. Additional conditions and final provisions

7.1. The subscriber and tsia committed in the performance of the terms of this agreement adequate to comply with the requirements applicable in the Russian Federation legislation: Federal Law No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and about information protection", Federal law №97-FZ " On amendments to the Federal law "On information, information technologies and about information protection", Russian Federation Government Resolution №758 "About modification of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of the Federal law "On amendments to the Federal law "On information, information technologies and information protection" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on streamlining the exchange of information using information and telecommunication networks", RF Government Decree №801 "About modification of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", Federal law № 152-FZ "On personal data", Part 4 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 126-FZ "On communication" and to take responsibility for the failure specified in this paragraph of the current legislation.

7.2. This agreement is considered to be partially limited, since as soon as the Subscriber in the personal Cabinet on the website CIAWIFI.EN disabled setting – (Method of identification: Identification according to the RF government resolution №758 from 31 July 2014. and No. 801 dated 12 August 2014.). In this case, the paragraph 1.1 of this agreement cannot be performed tsia customer. For failure of the RF government resolution №758 from 31 July 2014. and No. 801 dated 12 August 2014. responding Subscriber.

7.3. In all other cases not provided for in this agreement shall be governed by applicable on the territory of the Russian Federation legislation.

8. For long-term cooperation, the Subscriber has the right to contract with LLC "Center for identification and authentication of the" agreement on rendering of services in writing. The application for the contract to remain on the website CIAWIFI.EN.